
When a virtuoso guitarist whose sound is rooted in rock, soul, jazz and funk releases a cover of Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box” and cites the orchestral influence of the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson in the arrangement, it’s time for music fans to sit and take a listen.

Lyrically, the album explores themes of introspection and personal evolution. “Lyrical content has never been my strong suit but with each passing record, I’m trying to exercise that muscle and try to be a little more vulnerable and free thinking.”

Williams is a monster. His rhythm playing sits deep in the pocket and lays a solid foundation. But Williams isn’t limited to rhythm—as if that were a problem. He’s also an inventive, effective, and ear-catching soloist, armed with a warm tone and superior chops.

The touring band will help bring to life his latest LP, By Way of RVA, on which Williams recorded all the instruments including the drums, bass, guitar, keyboards, and synths. As he explained of the record, “I knew I wanted to lay down some ideas immediately after finishing [2023’s] Soldier of Love.

In the realm of soul rock and groove, DJ Williams stands out as an exceptional talent who seamlessly blends the raw emotion of soul-funk with the electrifying energy of rock. His prowess on the electric guitar and deep understanding of groove makes him a maestro of the genre, captivating audiences with his powerful performances.


PR & Management

Nathalie Baret

Ellie Tomasso